PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10): Unable to find End of… The application could not be installed: install failed missing shared library retry i've spent about an hour and a half googling, but no one has seemed to have the same issue with the android things library. (Select the icon in your Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar. Then click on Advanced Option -> Start-Up Settings -> Restart. ' I have uninstalled previous successful installatin of drivers and rebooted. 0 圆4 8wekyb3d8bbwe because it has version. Click the app and select the “common edit” option. For some users, there are differences between the versions of the installation media and the installed Windows.At line:1 char:1 + install-module + ~~~~~ The Microsoft Office Deployment tool was therefore not finding the configuration file and was erroring out with the nonsense message above.I tried to install KB2919442 and I also see the 'This update is not applicable to this computer' message.Once the iOS device syncs with Apple to get updated. Select the More actions icon in the upper right, and then select Check for updates. Could not be installed because of error 2148468785 In event viewer I see two events: - Information event 'Package KB3149090 failed to be changed to the Installed state.